Storm Season Is Here. Be Prepared!

While storm and hurricane forecasting has increased; so has frequency. As this trend continues, responses to the damages that these storms cause are more important than ever. Where first responders provide life saving support, JCB machines have been used across cleanup efforts, from providing first aid and water to the South East during Hurricane Michael to pop-up neighborhood damages from tornadoes. 

Beyond their uses in the construction, landscape and agricultural industries, JCB's fleet of machines are expertly adapted to storm cleanup projects. Are you ready? We are! Read more and enquire below!

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Witness the variety of tasks the JCB Teleskid has been able to perform for Matt Lemke and the Brunswick Water & Sewer Commission. Come Storm season, the city is prepared to take action where necessary!

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Ensure you get the best machine for your job. Please complete the form below and our customer service team will contact you shortly.