
Biodiversity loss may seem far removed from our day to day business, but there are steps that we can take as a business in our operations and in the design of our products to help conserve and restore nature.

The IPBES (Inter-Governmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) 2019 report on the startling decline of biodiversity sets out a stark future for human beings if we fail to act very quickly to reverse this alarming trend. With 60% of species lost since the 1970s, only transformative change will halt the current trend in losses.

525-60E Electric Telehandler

How we can help

Our work to decarbonise, cut pollution and to become more resource-efficient will reduce our impacts on nature. We have also identified a number of specific approaches which can help to limit our impacts on biodiversity.

These include using purchasing processes to specify use of certified materials from high risk commodities and understanding risks in our supply chain. Batteries and biomass-derived fuels and lubricants can have serious negative effects on the natural environment through pollution, extraction of resources and illegal deforestation. At JCB we are committed to taking action to address those impacts where they arise in our value chain.